Archive for August, 2011

Congratulations, Queen Tricia

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

07-trisha-at-coronation-2-1.jpg44.jpgQueen Tricia had a baby boy last week.  Yes.  I know has it been that long?  I saw her at Harvest Moon at Mary’s home 2 years ago in October and that was the last Mint Julep Queen event she has been able to attend!  Poor, busy, hardworking Queen. 

Maybe next year she will be able to schedule a photo shoot for the Membership Directory and we can get her Mum,  Emeritas Queen and Royal sustainer, Queen Cathy to have a photo done at the same time.

The boy was born 5 pound 9 ounces.  I hope all is well in that realm.

My Inner Queen Wants NEW Regalia

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

linda-and-jennifer-nov-30.jpgjennifer-and-vernice2011.JPGkim-does-the-drive-thru-savannah-in-style.jpg(Jennifer Abshire and Queen Linda Evans. Jennifer gets a big hug from Vernice, Kim sits shot gun, click for the big images. AND LINDA!  I need a new image of YOU!!!)

If you hate putting on an outlandish green ball gown, you may be in luck.  You may get a chance to have something designed just for you! Or you may get help with ideas, solutions and shopping suggestions from some talented young students. It is still a big MAYBE, but we are working on it. 

I personally adore outlandish, show stopping regal, elegant, retro 50’s, and new re-worked 60’s.  I covet 1920’s fapper and wish I owned a Green Channel.  I happen to lovelovelove trying on and wearing all sorts of cloths!!  It is like assuming a part in a play. 

Sometimes I wear my neon green chiffon with the Disney-esque skirt and I even add a crinoline.  I know.  You may ask, ”How big can that dress get really get without it exploding?”  But I like a swishy skirt, so relax and stand a respectful distance from me, if you are worried.  Sometimes I wear the Cate Lyon raw silk; I can not afford James Hogan, yet.  (Remember. I got the Cate Lyon on sale.) It is the one with the hot pink bra showing and the Sponge Bob like flowers in white silk.  When I wear that dress, I should always wear my hair up so, that one has its limitations. 

I used to have a retro 50’s style cocktail length multi colored dress. It was precious. The color of sherbert. Lime, Orange pineapple. I paid 30 bucks for it and all it need was an added bit of green chiffon shirting. The darn lady who was altering it stole from me.  OK. she did not actually steal it, in that it was her intent.  I drove by her shop one day and it was out of business, closed up tight.  The owner of the building claimed not to know how to get in touch with her.  Of course MY dress was with her, being held hostage, I can only assume.  Poor littlecutedress will never again know the joy of being worn by me.  Poor, Poor littlecutedress!

So I want…I do not need.   I want new regalia.   ”But Erica,” I hear you saying.  “What happened to that one you got at Frills and Fancies about 2 years ago?  You have never worn that one!”  Ok.  You are right. I bought a Las Vegas looking green silk with plunging neckline, jewel encrusted bodice and no wiggle room for boo.   I am not sure it truly expresses who MY INNER queen is or wants to be.  IF we every have a casino night, I have the proper Regalia for THAT event  hanging in my closet.  Even then, is that who Queen Erica really is?  Uhmmmm? I just do not know.

So back to you and your wardrobe needs.  Many of our dear Queens may need a tad bit of help with their wardrobe, and I certainly want some new ICONIC Queen Erica Dress, so I thought, why not ask SCAD to lend a hand?  The Fashion department seems fully capable and just so wonderful.  I hope that with a little convincing, a faculty member may encourage some smart, young students to do a project for the MJQs.  Think Project Runway, sans Nina and Micheal.  (I am still angry at those two.  Mondo should have won and they were total idiots not to see it.  I think Micheal was jealous of Mondo’s brilliant mind and creative eye.  And Nina was just being Nina.  So I suppose I can’t blame her for that.)

I have requested assistance form 3 Very Important Queens,  Linda E,  Jennifer A and Kim A.  Kim is already researching how to best approach (and do a Royal Pitch) Micheal Fink, Department Head, David Goodrowe, associate dean, Carmela Spinelli, department chair, or Sarah Collins, associate chair.  

Since my Daddy was an academic for several years at GSU, I heard all sorts of cra-zee stories about department meeting and the politics of the faculty.  Of course, that was my Daddy who has his bigg issues an it was in the English department and not Fashion,   So maybe these people run a tighter ship.  Or at least a better dressed one.

In a few months, maybe we can have some sort of help and collaborative enjoyment with some sort of Fashion assistance.  So please tell your Inner Queen,  ”Hold on! Help is on the way. God Willing and the creek don’t rise!”

Our UK Connection and Umbrellas

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Queen Lara, our At Large Queen in London is home to visit her mother Queen Becky.  Please keep your fingers crossed that we have nice weather for the next few days.  I need a picture of her for our directory!  We dodged another hurricane, didn’t we?

Every Queen needs to own a green umbrella or an extra cute umbrella with roses attached to it.  You really should have a Royal, special umbrella that is at the ready when one of our events encounters some drizzle, downpour or other inconvenient hair ruining weather.  So when you are out shopping, (and I know for a fact that lots of you  shop for exercise) may I respectfully suggest each MJQ makes sure they own at least one darling umbrella that would look good in photos? Which leads me to another theme party idea…

The next time we have a Hurricane somewhere along the east coast that is named for a Queen in our midst, (which I am so thankful Irene is NOT….We do not have a Queen Irene in our group! Plus we have no time to plan any old party right this second..)  So- if we have a storm named for say Queen Becky or Queen Kim or other member, let’s plan a theme party, how ’bout it?  They you can use that fabulous umbrella that has been siting in your closet waiting to go to a Mint Julep Queens Singing in the Rain Flounce and Splash.

October 8th, Calendar Project and Membership Directory

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

The next event we have scheduled is October 8th.  I booked a trolley and the treasury will go broke paying for it, but fun is priceless so why not do it?!  I sent out a note to see if we can fill a trolley and I have heard from the queens with daughters and from 2 queens with grandchildren.  I believe it can be done. Mary and Becky will have pictures done and Holly will have some done in September.  Sundown is 7:00 on the 8th of October, so hopefully Stacy and Sue will join us for the evening.

Junior Mints will be included and Ladies in Waiting who have expressed interest in joining our group.  Please invite a friend to see if she thinks being Royal is fun.  If so, she may be Queen Material.  After she has attended several parties, (we want to make sure she enjoys us and we enjoy her), she will be invited to a coronation. I think next year we will have several new MJQs so if we have not seen you in while, please join us for this event, and if you can’t , please send us the dues you owe (50.00 per year) so we can continue having fun with your money.

The letter below was sent out Octuber 20, 2011:

Hi Royal Highnesses, the MJQs! 

How do you feel about another Flounce with Jr. Mints, Mums and Ladies in Waiting?   (Several MJQs wanted to do another party after having so much fun at the one Jennifer hosted in April.  I can not express how much I appreciated Jennifer’s queenly spirit that made the last Queen Mum and Jr Mint function possible. And since a couple of Jr. Mints missed the event they are just dying to have another party so THEY can go flouncing with us. )   Saturday, October 8th looks like a good night for a little Flounce and photo shoot for Queen Mary and Maybe Queen Becky C and one other???.  

After the Photo Shoot, the original idea was to have a trolley ride around downtown with assorted stops along the way. This might be a good time to do a Jr Mint group shot as well.  Additionally we have a very enthusiastic lady in waiting (or two) who would like to flounce with us, meet and chat with some of the other queens.   The White trolley line was booked (Rats!) so I called the green and orange trolley line.  They have an opening.  Cost runs around 400.00 plus tip and tax for a 2 hour rent… (Last time, the white trolley was only 50.00 less.) It holds 36 people. (The treasury would pay for the trolley.  I would request MJQs to tip the driver.)  

Do you think we can get 25-36 MJQs, Friends, Mums & Jr, Mints to come? If you have any suggestion, PLEASE feel free to share it.

Reign, on.  Queen Erica 

PS. Hopefully, when Holly is in town in September, Paul can do a nice image of her for the Directory.

To Prove My Point: A Good Picture and a Bad Picture

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

photo-nola-style.JPGclick for the big ol’ NOLA style head shotphoto.JPGThere.  I did it just for you.  I can take a good pic and a bad pic.  My REAL look falls somewhere in between.  But in my heart and soul I am still 30, have a full head of red hair and unwrinkled skin. Ha!  A victim of early onset age…claims another victim. BTW-You have to be able to laugh at yourself before you can point and laugh at others. The bad part is, I am not laughing when I see that wrinkled old chicken neck I got going on. 

Photographs: Hints for Mint Julep Queens and Princesses

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011


The first day of school for my Junior Mint Princesses 2011

If wearing a crown makes everything more fun, maybe they should have donned their tiaras for the day…or at least for a cute picture.  As it is, they allowed me to take several cute shots without fussing at me for taking too many pictures.  They smiled sweetly and stood up straight.  What more can a proud mother ask?  Sage even kept her eyes open the whole time.  Lucky for me, there was no need to do a flash or that would have not been the case!

There are a few MJQs who still hate having their pictures made.  They will avoid the camera at parties and when I look back over the collection of images, they are no where to be seen.  In fact, I have come to the realization that if I need a record of who attended a party, I have to come home and write down all the names.   Now that the Calendar Project and Membership Directory is beginning, I want to assure each MJQ that we have a professional photographer and I will be glad to help you with the pose and the make-up, so please just re-lax.

Why some folks are scared of a camera is beyond me, so I am training my girls young.  IT is merely a machine. It does NOT define your beauty, nor even record the real story!  A camera also does not steal your spirit & soul, unless you let it.  If you throw up your hands up in front of your face and squeal, “Oh, my God, You are not going to take my picture, are you?! ”  You need to learn some little hints to help you get over that fear.  (And self loathing..mainly the self loathing.)

When I was in 7th grade, I came home from school with our school pictures (AKA mugshots) in hand hand.  I showed them to my mother and started crying.  I mean really crying.  (Now if you are reading this and you think that these tears was due to some hormonal issues because I was 13, then you need to slap yourself right this second.  Go ahead.  Do it.  Scared?  Ok, fine.  Just pretend I slapped you, if you have the imagination, which likely you do not.  Now you need to realize, some girls cry when they are sad and it is not PMS or hormonal, or in my case, menopausal symptoms.  And if by some chance it is magnified by hormones, you best not ever-EVER say that to me, or to any female for that matter.  If for ANY reason you continue along this path of blaming tears of sadness on hormones, then I suggest you learn how to live all alone ’cause that is where you will end up.  In a trailer park in Port Wentworth eating boxes of Hot Pockets for dinner. All alone.  I know. I already said it.  And I will say it again.  All A-LONE.)

I had tried so hard to wear the right outfit and have my hair just so…and the result?  The result was absolutely horrible, homely and yuck.  It was way worse that any image I had formed of myself.  When I looked in the mirror,  I thought I was plain, but I had not thought I was downright ugly, until then.  That picture showed just how ugly I was and I told my mother so.

Dear mother, hated her own pictures so she agreed with me, “I hate how I look, too.  I always have.  I hate my nose and I always take a really bad picture. I am so sorry, honey.  It is a bad feeling.” There are next to no photographs of my brother and I with our mother.  Throughout our childhood she hid from the camera and complained bitterly that she hated to see herself in pictures.

I am not sure why mother never got her nosed fixed…no really I do know.  Lack of money, but mainly lack of self-confidence and lack opportunity.  She fell several years ago and actually broke her nose and had a perfect opening to get it fixed and she has kicked herself for not going ahead and doing it.   Not a single person said anything like, “You know, it is your choice.  It is broken now, so why not neatened it up?”  When she half heartedly mentioned to her ENT that she had always hated her nose and how she took horrible pictures because of it, he did not understand.  So in a callus fashion he proclaims, ”Why in the world do anything about it now?”  In other words, “It is too late for you, old lady!”  I wish he was here right now. I would smack him.  Or at least smack him verbally.  You can imagine how that feels, right?

I learned through many years of experience, education, failure, and success (and a few sessions of therapy to face my own lack of self esteem), I have learned to say, “I ain’t sceered of any ol’ camera.”  ANY-body can take a bad picture.  AND anybody can look better in pictures!!!  If you hate how you look in pictures, do something about it.  The lighting is bad.   The photographer sucks.  The makeup you are using in the wrong color.  The pose you tried makes you look like a turkey necked geek.  The clothes?  Cute on you now, but in a picture?  FRUMPY!  Take action and practice with a real photographer.

Cameras record the moment and in a flawed alien way.  Learn that the camera is not your friend or your enemy.  It is your Frien-emy.  It can be nice, but it can turn on you any moment.  (Plus, it is probably gossipping about you with its friend the Flipshare.)  A good image that shows your beauty can be done with good lighting, good makeup, good photo-shopping, and a good photographer.  Inner beauty cannot be recorded in an image unless you are a Pulitzer prize winner photojournalist or at least a talented photographer.

In fact, a good photographer can create a story about you that is totally imaginary.  Open any women’s magazine and look at one advertisement of one woman.  You see what I am talking about?  The Perfection of the face.  The astounding lack of shadows, lines, blemishes flaws is telling the story…”If you buy this product, you may start to look like this perfect girl.” That kind of physical perfection does not exist.

Cameras are devoid of intent.  They do not lie. They do not love.  They do not add 10 pounds to anybody.  Next time you avoid a photo-op and say, ”No!  Do not Take my picture!”  Give it a chance.  Either practice with and hire a real photographer who knows what they are doing or just re-lax (which is a lot cheaper)!  When you are at a party and your friend grabs a camera, stand up straight and smile.  Friends are hoping to capture the moment, the fun, the affection, and the joy that they are sharing with you.  Let the Royal Fun shine through and it will be a perfect picture!

Mint Julep Queens: August 4th Calendar Project

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

kim-calendar-project.jpgleeann-calendar-project.jpg(click for the full picture Royal effect)

Paul Suszynski did a lovely job with these photos!  2 down and 28 to go:)

Now if I can just figure out how to post them in a bigger size.  Rats. Where is my I.T. guy?

Mint Julep Queens at Cha Bella

Friday, August 12th, 2011


So I have figured out how to post Iphone photos if I save them on my PC and then I post them.  While Paul took Photo for the MINT JULEP QUEEN Calebndar Project and Membership Directory I stood off to the side and tried to get a few nice images. Queen Kim is looking royal.

Mint Julep Queen- IT Department

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

all-the-single-ladies.jpgGood-ness.  I need an IT guy.  I want to post the wonderful images Paul took on August 4 of Kim and Lee Ann.  But I am so challenged in my technology abilities that converting a bitmap to a jpeg is beyond me.  Oh well. 

Our dear Paul Suszynski, who is doing the photos for the Calendar Project and Membership Directory will send me jpeg file very soon.  In the mean time, I am just curious, since I have this abby-normal interest in word origins.  I am searching what BIT-Map really means.  And J=Peg??  What in the world?  I am guessing here: A bit of a map to a digital image??? Who the hell knows?  Certainly not This Queen.  (Remember, I still qualify as a member of the Boomer generation and we were on the cusp of tons of technological advances.  So it is not my fault.)

I have embraced Facebook (for I can be social), I just can not be geeky.  I am smart just not geeky. I don’t like the glasses that come with the geeky look. I like the shoes, though. Anthropologie (that store for 20 and 30 somethings that I like to try and be) has the most geeky shoes for fall.  Maybe that is the look. 

I am so proud that I do know what “IT” in IT guy means.  Information Technology.  What does IT girl mean?  I think that label is from the 50’s….has something to do with having big breasts, being young and being photogenic.  Oh WOW!!!! So maybe BIT map has something to do that! “Be IT!”  A map to Being IT.  I need that!

So when I finish this, google bitmap…jpeg and IT Girl.  I wonder who the first It Girl was. Uhmmmm.  And Why in the hell do people say they need a I.T. GUY.  Does I.T. even come in “girl”?  

OK.  ENOUGH!. You need to get back to work.

The voiceinmyhead is ready to make some money and this is NOT paying the bills, sadly enough.  So a JPEG of Kim and Lee Ann is to come later today or tomorrow. So there you have it.  I gotta be my own IT girl.  Wait.  IT QUEEN!!!

Reign ON!


Mint Julep Queen Calendar Project and Membership Directory begins August 4th

Monday, August 8th, 2011


Dear Royal Highnesses, the MJQs,

I am starting a project. I ask each of the MJQ to be photographed near a Savannah Landmark, or historic building or square that means something to them.  It has to be in Historic Downtown. Except for Stacy who has asked for Tybee Island.  

I have an idea of a few locations already and a few MJQs have already requested certain locations!  With a tad bit of simple biographical information, our group membership rooster alongside your picture will be complete. This project will take about a year or so to complete and once it is done, it may be a good calendar, or even a fun book. No matter what,  in the end, we will have a nice collection of MJQs portraits for a membership directory.

August 4th we will meet to have drink (Dutch Treat) and appetizers (Treasury) at Cha-bella.  The treasury will pay for the appetizers and tip for the waitress. I am paying for the photographer. We may go to Leopold’s and/or to a nearby square.

Please wear whatever you want!  I am wearing a green and white polka dotted sun dress, with silver shoes and white gloves.  Or at least that is what I think I will wear. 

Sometime during the next 12 months, tell me where you would like your portrait to be.  Wear something that exudes Queenly-ness and we will plan drinks around your photo shoot. I hope to get 2 MJQs photographed at this event!  Maybe Kim and One other?????

Locations –Areas that I suggest (or that have been requested by an MJQ):

 Holly: Telfair Square and/or Telfair Academy

Mary : Andrew Low House- Lafayette Square-September or October

Annie - Forsyth Park- March or April

Emma- Wormsloe 

Carolyn – Ellis Square? And the fountain

Sue- ?Monterey Square  (Mickve Israel)

Becky C- Johnson Square- September or October

Patty G- Johnson September or October

Stacy- Tybee

Kim- the swing at cha bella – August 4

LeeAnn – Cha bella and action shot…running  or sitting having a drink August 4

Tricia –City Market Belfords. Month to be determined

Lois -Owens Thomas house

Barbara G –Forsyth (March or April)

Linda – The Museum November

Dottie-Telfair arts and science (jan or feb)

Glenda- Telfair (jan or feb)   

Please let me know if you are available to do this. I truly hope so!  I look forward to hearing from you and hearing what location you have selected! 

Reign on!  Queen Erica