How to Become a Mint Julep Queen

the-2011-mjq-april-29-coronation.JPG37.jpg img_1440.jpgbrook-linda-bonnie-diane.jpg

(Click on small images from  The MJQs November 2007 Coronation and then The MJQs and Friends at the April 2007 Coronation) Large image-New Ladies in Waiting

If you are wondering how to join our group, well, read on.  We are an exclusive group.  The MJQs will not exceed 50 reigning Queens for 2018 and we will have a ceiling number very soon. Remember, not just anyone can be an MJQ, even though they may be Queenly and just remarkable in a multitude of ways! 

One must have been invited by a Reigning Queen to attend some of our Private Parties.  One must be at least thirty years old.  One must have attended a Coronation in Full Regalia, (green gown and tiara).  One must “get the point.”  Any confusion exhibited by the lady in question may be an indication that she is either not interested in being an MJQ, or she prefers solitary Sovereignty of her own personal Realm. Maybe she’d rather be a Friend of Queen. 

A Friend of Queen loves being near us and loves having fun, but would just hate ever wearing a green gown or tiara in public! They are completely marvelous people, but they hate drawing attention to themselves.

You might be a Lady in Waiting if you have met one of us and said, “Oh! That sounds like so much fun! I want to wear a tiara! How do I become a Mint Julep Queen?”  You may be invited to attend some of our private events that include Friends of Queens and the other MJQs.  You only become a MJQ after being invited to and attending several parties and after getting a sash at Coronation.  Also, all the MJQs must feel that you would be a fabulous addition to our group.  No MJQ is under any pressure whatsoever to find or invite “new” Queens. We do not sell, convince or cajole anyone to join our group.  We look for Quality Royalty not quantity. Required: WE have Fun with you and You have FUN with us!  Enthusiasm is key.    

So you think you are Queen Material? Well, you probably are since you are reading this.  It is likely that you are a person who is Royal in her own right.  You may not have been introduced to our group. Although exquisite in a multitude of ways, you may not have the inclination to join a group for whatever reason, (time constraints, other obligations, health issuesetc.) Remember, to be a MJQ you are offering to join a royal society because you want to share some fun with other Royals and we want to have fun with you. 

What We Do

In the past I have been asked. “So, what do y’all do?”  Do? This is a big red flag in the department of Queenly Comprehension.  We don’t “do” anything. We are. In our private lives, we work, raise children, volunteer, take care of family, and visit with friends.  We shop, travel and entertain. We actively volunteer in the community, in our churches, and in our synagogues.  When we have Coronations and Queenly parties, we laugh, chat, eat, drink, and visit with our subjects.  Most of all, we flounce about and celebrate being Royal females.  We have Fun being Queen.  Isn’t that enough?  
