(Jennifer Abshire and Queen Linda Evans. Jennifer gets a big hug from Vernice, Kim sits shot gun, click for the big images. AND LINDA! I need a new image of YOU!!!)
If you hate putting on an outlandish green ball gown, you may be in luck. You may get a chance to have something designed just for you! Or you may get help with ideas, solutions and shopping suggestions from some talented young students. It is still a big MAYBE, but we are working on it.
I personally adore outlandish, show stopping regal, elegant, retro 50’s, and new re-worked 60’s. I covet 1920’s fapper and wish I owned a Green Channel. I happen to lovelovelove trying on and wearing all sorts of cloths!! It is like assuming a part in a play.
Sometimes I wear my neon green chiffon with the Disney-esque skirt and I even add a crinoline. I know. You may ask, ”How big can that dress get really get without it exploding?” But I like a swishy skirt, so relax and stand a respectful distance from me, if you are worried. Sometimes I wear the Cate Lyon raw silk; I can not afford James Hogan, yet. (Remember. I got the Cate Lyon on sale.) It is the one with the hot pink bra showing and the Sponge Bob like flowers in white silk. When I wear that dress, I should always wear my hair up so, that one has its limitations.
I used to have a retro 50’s style cocktail length multi colored dress. It was precious. The color of sherbert. Lime, Orange pineapple. I paid 30 bucks for it and all it need was an added bit of green chiffon shirting. The darn lady who was altering it stole from me. OK. she did not actually steal it, in that it was her intent. I drove by her shop one day and it was out of business, closed up tight. The owner of the building claimed not to know how to get in touch with her. Of course MY dress was with her, being held hostage, I can only assume. Poor littlecutedress will never again know the joy of being worn by me. Poor, Poor littlecutedress!
So I want…I do not need. I want new regalia. ”But Erica,” I hear you saying. “What happened to that one you got at Frills and Fancies about 2 years ago? You have never worn that one!” Ok. You are right. I bought a Las Vegas looking green silk with plunging neckline, jewel encrusted bodice and no wiggle room for boo. I am not sure it truly expresses who MY INNER queen is or wants to be. IF we every have a casino night, I have the proper Regalia for THAT event hanging in my closet. Even then, is that who Queen Erica really is? Uhmmmm? I just do not know.
So back to you and your wardrobe needs. Many of our dear Queens may need a tad bit of help with their wardrobe, and I certainly want some new ICONIC Queen Erica Dress, so I thought, why not ask SCAD to lend a hand? The Fashion department seems fully capable and just so wonderful. I hope that with a little convincing, a faculty member may encourage some smart, young students to do a project for the MJQs. Think Project Runway, sans Nina and Micheal. (I am still angry at those two. Mondo should have won and they were total idiots not to see it. I think Micheal was jealous of Mondo’s brilliant mind and creative eye. And Nina was just being Nina. So I suppose I can’t blame her for that.)
I have requested assistance form 3 Very Important Queens, Linda E, Jennifer A and Kim A. Kim is already researching how to best approach (and do a Royal Pitch) Micheal Fink, Department Head, David Goodrowe, associate dean, Carmela Spinelli, department chair, or Sarah Collins, associate chair.
Since my Daddy was an academic for several years at GSU, I heard all sorts of cra-zee stories about department meeting and the politics of the faculty. Of course, that was my Daddy who has his bigg issues an it was in the English department and not Fashion, So maybe these people run a tighter ship. Or at least a better dressed one.
In a few months, maybe we can have some sort of help and collaborative enjoyment with some sort of Fashion assistance. So please tell your Inner Queen, ”Hold on! Help is on the way. God Willing and the creek don’t rise!”