Archive for May, 2015

Mint Julep Queen’s May Coronation & Flounce

Sunday, May 24th, 2015


All hail!  Our newest regal members were sashed on May 21st at the historic Isaiah Davenport House.

As you may know, to join of our private social group you must have a sponsor who introduces your Royal self to the MJQs.  Of course, I believe all females are regal and typically rule as solitary monarchs throughout their lives, however when we find Queen Material, we celebrate. Discovering a grown-up, charming, fun-loving female who adores wearing a crown & gown becomes harder and harder as we age, as we add commitments to our lives, as we put other’s needs ahead of our own.  ”To Do Lists” and “Serious Jobs” do not kill the MJQs’ love of sparkle. In fact, as adult females, we embrace our Inner Queens with even more earnestness.

Scheduling time for fun, chiffon, and glitter during our busiest days feeds our hearts. When we were little bitty girls, we would put on a princess skirt, and a plastic crown and sashay about ruling our realm. Time goes by, but we still adore donning a tiara and showing the world we are Royal.  Huzzah. Huzzah.

Don’t forget to Reign on!

HRH Queen Erica

*Welcome to Queens Shari, Jodi, Leigh Anne, Marie, and June! Thank you for deciding to Rule your Queendom in a group with us, the MJQs.  Thank you, Queens Sylvia, Kim, and Meredith for introducing these stellar royals to us.dh-new-mjqs-shari-jodi-leighann-marie-june.jpg