Archive for January, 2011

Lady Chablis, Grand Empress, and MJQ at Large and Being a Survivor

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

all-the-single-ladies.jpg. click for a big ol’ pic( the ice pack I wore under this gown had to come off when the street dancing started:0) April 30 2010 coronation

 MJQs and Ladies went to Club One last night, Saturday 22, 2011 and it will be a day that goes down in our Royal History books.  WE were honored by Lady Chablis who accepted a sash that proclaims that she is now a a Mint Julep Queen at Large.  The show was so fun and The Lady was charming as ever.  The bartenders and every perfomer made us feel welcome.

Last time I was in a tiara and green gown, I had had a needle biopsy that afternoon and was facing breast cancer with a lumpectomy to be done a week later.  On April 30th, 2010 Flouncing and laughing with friends helped me get my mind of the fear and pain.  Last night, the joy and enthusiasm of life was so thick. The smoke machine on the dance floor could not keep up with the good vibrations The MJQs created.  I was so happy to be surrounded with fun-loving enthusiastic woman show know no fear or at least when they do get scared, it is still OK to dance like nobody is watching, (and I believe the people who are watching us should be applauding.) Being a SURVIVOR is Royal in every way.

Queen Becky was in Chicago and we missed her .  Queen Annie had a big birthday event for a friends that she had committed to attend.  She was so missed. Queen Mary is still recovering from knee replacement and Pattie is too. Holly had no sitter and with her consort off in D.C she was unable to come out and have fun. Rats..

We will  add 4 or more enthusiastic Queens who are not as busy. Linda came up with the description of “reluctant” queens.  Reluctance is fine.  But reluctance made several MJQs miss a stellar evening.

New MJQs to crowned in Spring will be Queen Lois, and 3 more!!!!????

I would write more about the night, but after having three super strong drinks, and dancing my skinny flat butt off, I am a tad tired.  Pictures will have to follow later…MUCH later.

Inner Diva Mint Julep Queen Night

Friday, January 21st, 2011

halloween-kitties-08.jpg picture-162.jpg(click for the big pic!  Girls who love dressing up)

Predictably, the same MJQs who never want to dress up are unavailable for our Uber Fab club night.  Since our founding in 2004, I have held my tongue and been very P.C. in not calling these folks out.  So in Royal tradition established by ME, I will try my darnedest to not be tooo hateful.  The is a lightly veiled criticism (and the Veil is a lovely Italian silk, by the way.) 

I had a few FUN queens really not be able to attend.  One darling queen with attitude will be Chicago.  My heart goes out to her.  Another is in NYC.  Another still is recovering from a tad bit of restorative  surgery that will only make her more radiant.  I know it is a Holiday weekend, but when I can place odds and make book, or whatever it is gamblers do…to predict who will NOT come, and I am right…well then, YOU may be a “problem Queen”.  Think problem child if you are unsure about this.

One Lady in Waiting has out of town company and even took the time to jot a sweet note of thanks and a request not to be forgotten and included in the next big party.  Well, Honey Queens, anyone who writes a note AND addresses it H.R.H. is just exceptional in every way.

So, onto the pitiful members who never dress in regalia in public.  Fear of looking silly as measured by their disdain for chiffon, rhinestones, feathers or any other Super Queen garb that would call attention to themselves is the culprit.  Raw little girl fear.  The kind of fear we had when we were in 7th grade and worried about what the cool girls said about us when we walked by the popular girls lunchroom table.  Fear that the boys might think we are not date-able because we are a tad silly.  Fear that dancing like no one is watching really sets you apart and makes boys NOT want to ask you to dance. 

Now I know it takes all kinds make the world a wonderful place.  There is room for shy, reserved types.  There are social groups for introverted, contemplative ladies.  There are clubs and organizations who meet to talk about everything from roses to the latest NY Times best-seller.  This group is NOT one of them. So if in your life you find being silly is a freeing experience, like putting on a role, an accent, or merely a feather boa, then this is the group for you and you belong to US!  If not, please gracefully bow-out.  I beg you.  Do not drag us down.  Oh!!! AND speaking of drag!  We are going the the THE Lady at Club One tomorrow!!!!….and  THAT my dear Honey Queens is another story:)

Reign ON!

The MJQs Club One Party, Jan. 22 or “How to read an invitation”

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

10-10-10-my-honey-bee-and-me.jpg(Mommy and daughter, click for the big pic. we are so pur-deee)

I am raising my children like most Southern Mothers do. Like all mothers do.  To be able to darn READ.  When my girls get a mailed invitation, they had better be able to decipher the meaning of the invitation without making any huge pheax-pas.  I sent out Club One Party announcements to the MJQs a week or so ago.  I even sent detailed instructions on a separate little sheet of paper inserted in the envelope to answer and anticipate any questions.  Again, herding cats is a constant test of my…patience. (deep breath) Now.  On to the HOW-TO:

First-Read the envelope.  Is it addressed to you and to you, only?  Then YOU and YOU alone are invited.  Next clue.  Open the envelope.  Does it say anywhere on the printed material, “and guest” or  “and husband” or “and family’?  If not, then the invitation is extended to YOU and You ALONE.  Simple.  If you do see “and bring who-ever” written anywhere, then you may bring the person described in that bring who-ever comment.  Now.  If the invitation tells you what to do, who to bring, what to wear, where to be, or gifts needed, well? ..honestly gifts are always appropriate… 

Can you read  simple instructions?  Yes? Good Girl!   READ it and do it.  Oh and If this is a SALES event and not a P-A-R-T-Y-  ,(think Tupperware, Pampered Chef, clothing company of any sort), then it is not really a party.  It’s just a marketing buzz word called a “party” designed to make money for the host.  All of these rules of engagement are null and void if the hostess/marketing specialist is trying to sell you something.  You need not worry about any of this little bit of advice!  Sales events are covered under a totally different set of rules.  Oh and so are political fundraisers. So do not ask me to give money to a candidate unless you have me know it IS a party to raise money. (If you want to shop and your host makes money off you, then go to the event. If not, do not go.  Simple.)

Now back to reading an invitation.  If the group is a social group and the party is a Dutch treat affair, DO NOT expect the hostess to cover the cost of any of the party.  If she tells you that a group is meeting for dinner and a movie, and bring a friend and it is DUTCH,  fine.  Come with Credit card or Cash.  If the thing says, ”Dancing & Lady Chablis at Club One, call and buy tickets, Dutch” -THEN, call and buy your darn tickets. DO NOT expect anyone to be your Mommy and buy your tickets for you. Come or not. 

Still confused? Read this.  Honey Queen, call Club One and buy tickets, (if you want to go) for Jan 22nd, 10:30 show.  MJQs wear full regalia and if you do not know what that means, well… I feel sorry for ya’. I am not telling you what to wear and I am not buying anything for you and if you can not make it…it is OK! really!!!  But do NOT come and expect me to hold your hand and wipe your royal butt for you… (This is the Tough Love part of being in-charge.)   

now dear MJQs, did that sound too harsh? waaay tooo angry and annoyed?…really?! …maybe somebody needs a time-out?  NO!!! -Not you!  Me!!!  I am going to my quiet place now and think about all this…. where’s my tiara? putting  jewels in my hair has a calming effect…ohmmmmmm….