About the MJQs
Mint Julep Queens
Royal Fun in Savannah
Founded May 2004
We simply adore jewels in our hair. We loved dress-up time as children and have continued it into adulthood. A Mint Julep Queen has a propensity to flounce, laugh, shop for fun and exercise, & wear pearls any time of day. We enjoy good libations, good silver, and good times. The MJQs enjoy being served, waving to our well-wishers, and creating a show. We take pride in being a tad bit outrageous and indulging a flurry of admiration from our subjects. Every now and then we have a Queenly attitude of satisfaction and pride in our obvious charm and regal carriage.
The Mint Julep Queens of Savannah strive to display confidence, a fun-loving ease, and grace in ourselves, as well as tolerance, kindness, and generosity toward others. The opportunities to recognize and seize royal fun and celebrate one’s very own exquisite style and charisma is what this group is all about.