Ten years ago when the Mint Julep Queens were created by five fun loving women, we thought each lady would have such a strong sense of self, that each queen would create their own unquie version of sovereign. If you have never contemplated ruling a realm, you clearly are not a Royal yourself and must be studying the phenomenon. Let me explain the facts and images a monarch may channel when she is invited to attend a Flounce with us.
American Queen Jackie Kennedy is the epitome of American Queen in Camelot, complete with clean and crisp lines cut from the pages of the early 1960’s. This Queen is Elegant, Understated, but Powerful in her confidence and ease. She may be soft spoken, but she is brilliant, charismatic, and iconic. Something about those long white gloves makes the crowd wave at her. She waves back and nobs with a demure smile. This queen is diplomatic. International. Globally astute.
Prom Queen. The lady would have been the perfect homecoming chick– if only she had been popular . She was not selected by her classmates because she was not a follower and sashayed to the beat of her own our beach music. (Honestly, she was not very pretty either. She may have suffered from UDS– Ugly Duckling Syndrome.) But she always wanted a big dress the size of a homecoming float. Toile and ruffles, chiffon and sequins decorate bright green. Her laughter is infectious. She is Very Smart and tries every day to be Kind. Just because she was not voted the most popular cheerleader– (she was not ever a cheerleader, by the way)…just because she was a total nerd in school, does not mean she disdains rhinestone crowns. On the contrary.
Pageant Queen. We have some members who really were so pretty in their youth that they were crowned Queens in beauty contests. They have maintained a beauty that is amazing. These ladies are humble and know genetics gave them the physical beauty they possess, but their character is their real gift. Good humored, cheerful and out- going, Pageant Queens are informed, sentimental, and polite. (The Pageant Queens the MJQs hang out with are these things.) They still own their crown and love the chance to wear it again. Pageant Queens are informed from the era that they reigned.
Fashion Queen. A 1950’s silhouette. A Chanel look. Dior. A Marc Jacobs gown. An Oscar dress. This queen loves the spotlight, (who of us doesn’t?) But is happier to share the attention with fellow Royals. Metropolitan and Urban, she is intelligent and witty. Attention to details describe her. Every photo of her is perfect.
Character Queen Inspired by history or literature, this Queen has a deep sense of Myth. Represented archtypes and all, she is acutely aware of her impact on the commoners. Energetic and strong she is enchanting. Elizabeth I. Victoria. Gwinevere. Catherine the Great, Cleopatra. Mid-Summer Night’s Dreame Fairy Queen. Cinderella. Sleeping Beauty. Scarlett O’Hara. Need I say more?
Thrift Shoppe Queen The lady’s look will change based on her mood and her pocket book. Her thrift shop finds will inspire attire. She would rather invest her treasure in family and causes than the fleeting fabrics of a grown. Hyper-creative, she laughs easily and with deep gusto. She attracts attention and admiration wherever she flounces. She owns more than one MJQ gown.
Campy Queen She is glittery and bright. Flashing lights may suddenly appear around her. She will stick battery powered lights to her dress or shoes. Comfort is more important than anything., so she will wear cowboy boots under her crinoline. Good natured and cheerful, she is the life of the party. She knows no fear.
The list above is just the short list. Some of the MJQs change their style from year to year. Some MJQs have specific emergency needs that arise on the day of an event that impact dress choice. ( Like your darn zipper broke; you are in mourning and totally must wear somber colors; or your dress shrank in the closet.) It is your realm so you decide what works for you. And it always a Queen’s prerogative to change style. We do not all dress alike– except for general hue…green, greenish blue, blueish green, grey green, greenish grey and silver. Got it? Emergency attire of unlimited hue is of course encouraged. Group photos look so much better when done in same the tonal range. N’est pas? But really, as long as you are happy, it will be the perfect dress for you. If you are not satisfied with your Royal Style, change it. Remember honeys, you are not a tree, rooted to one spot. You can move. You can Flounce. With the Queens, and in life, it is wise to adopt a look that helps you enjoy your journey. As you sashay your chosen path, folks around you may break into applause. If they do not, they may not recognize you. Never the less, it is still good to be Queen.