A Mint Julep Queen Flounces for a Cure

komen2011.jpgpettiskirt-and-converse-komen-race-wear.JPG (click for a big image of these cute Converse and pettiskirt)

Last year I had just found a lump.  Yes. It was Stage one cancer and this year I am Flouncing for a Cure.  Lots of folks run it.  I do not run.  Not because I can’t, but because I do not like to run.  I will be wearing the sweet T-shirt that Ousmane and Stephen, my husband designed.  Nellie Confetti, Sage, Selia, our dear friend Annie, and I plan on having a fun ol’ romp.  Chiffon helps me be more happy getting up so early, so I will be in Chiffon. 

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